358 words
2 minutes
The cost of science - poem

Main text#

What was it like, being the first person to prototype a perpetual motion machine, not knowing conservation of energy. Thinking they could acheive wonders, infinite energy. The possibilities were endless. The world had more posibilities back then, and anything could happen. Do fairy tales really exist, or is it only us that have grown old, and “matured”. Now we hold the book of science in one hand, and the sword of veracity in the other. We soared the skies with our airplanes, the castles in the clouds had to go, they were in the way; we sailed the seas, and mapped the earth, no more magic islands, for cursed treasure to lay; we shot for the stars, and reached the moon. No more rabbits, no more rivers. Just the light poluted nights, where nuclear fussion shimmers.
Was it worth it.


Inspiration: Was watching a video about building a perpetual motion machine.

We soared the skies with our airplanes, the castles in the clouds had to go,

I’ve had this idea/quote for a year or so. Inspired by ideas like castle in the sky.

we sailed the seas, and mapped the earth, no more magic islands, for cursed treasure to lay

Was going to write about kingkong, but didn’t quite fit the vide. When I watched the movie. I though about how nowadays islands like that of kingkong couldn’t exist, and was quite sad.
Inspired by pirates of the caribbean.

we shot for the stars, and reached the moon. No more rabbits, no more rivers.

shot for the stars in a pun here. The idea of rabbits is inspired by touhou and Chinese folklore. The idea of rivers is inspired by people thinking there were rivers on mars, based on a few images.

Just the light poluted nights, where nuclear fussion shimmers.

Light polution is becomming worse, and a lot of people in the next generation might not even see stars for their entire life. Inspired by a video I saw.
Before, we didn’t know a lot about stars. The tales about them could have been true. There were a lot more possibilities. But now we know: Stars are just nuclear fussion. The word shimmer is choosen because of light polution.

The cost of science - poem
Lorem Ipsum
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