(Please tell me about any wrong information)
Proton pass extension
- 10 free email aliases.
- Store all your passwords in proton pass, easier to sync across devices. It’s based in Switzerland which has strict privacy laws. (note: this information is as of 2024/6/11.)
There are many browsers eaching having their pros and cons, personally I use Firefox. Maybe try one?
ublock extension
Block most ads and some trackers.
Privacy bagger extension
Did you know your browser can be identified by the settings of your fonts types, cookies, ip and much more. Privacy bagers solves the cookie part.
Test if your browser can be tracked here.
Web rtc leak
Websites can get your real ip even if you have a vpn. There are a bunch of “WebRtcLeak shield” extensions that prevent this.
SponserBlock extension
Skips certain parts of a youtube video such as: Sponsers, Introduction, Tangents, non-music part in a music video etc.
Return youtube dislikes
Returns youtube dislikes.
Youtube comment translate
Translate youtube comments.
Language reactor
Dual subs for youtube, great for language learning. Sadly not available on firefox.
(to be continued)