150 words
1 minutes
Guide to Googling

Phrasing your words better#

Instead of “how do I fix this bug called null pointer error in java”, “java null pointer error” would be better.

  1. Put important words at the start, e.g. “java”
  2. Remove unnecessary words. It’s also faster to type

Google dorking#

the usage of things like :

site.comonly show results from foo.com
”nne”only show results that contain “nne”
how to make a * with sugaronly show results that tell you how to make something with sugar

Know what SEO (search engine optimization) is.#

Knowing stuff like this gives you a newer perspective when googling.

Some websites are better, but have bad seo.#

Sometimes small blogs are the best for niche information.
You might need to scroll down a bit to find them though. (smaller websites have worse SEO?)

gov/org/offical domains are better for information like stats and hisotry?


”/” to jump to search box.
Personally I prefer pressing (ctrl+L/cmd+L) to bring the address bar into focus, and type there what I want to search.

Guide to Googling
Lorem Ipsum
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