Hi, I haven’t written a blog in a while. Also, happy new year.
I used to use cloudflare pages or something to generate the static website, after a few months, it just stopeed working for some unknown reason. So I stopped writing blogs.
Recently, I’ve been playing around with stuff like websites, js, ssh, Raspberry Pi, Linux, VPS, network related stuff? Anyhow, it has been pretty fun learning all this, had a few of the most “high quality” flow states in a while. This blog is written for the 3rd “generation” of this website. The first one was github pages iirc, and the second one being cloudflare. This one being a vps. Soooo doing backend stuff is also possible here? I remember a few months back, I thought creating websites was this super boring thing for masochists. Now I’ve been proven wrong. Reminds me of my “old” minecraft server days. Having your own server is pretty cool. Everything has been pretty awesome recently, and for the past year or two. Learning is fun.
Some more stuff I’ve been doing recently.
Toki pona
It’s philosophy of being “simple” kind of aligns with mine. I like to write simple sentences, to convey information directly, to not waste the reader’s time. Thinking about writing a whole blog on this.
Digital Art
Always kinda liked drawing but was never good at it. Started to try out digital art using krita, yay open source. Here is a strawberry I drew. (Inspired by celeste)
btw, I also have a hologram version of this strawberry.
(sadly image doesn’t exist … yet)
For what a hologram is, check out 3b1b’s video
Bad Usb
Ordered one, should arrive in a few hours. Going to “prank some friends”.
Some more casual stuff just because.
It still hasn’t snowed. Global warming? Not sure.
Looking at videos/stuff 2-3 years ago. I made a lot cool stuff back then. But also, we’ve come so far, the past 1-2 years has been a journey, I learned a lot.
I feel like, the novelty of nostaligia is very short. Uh, how do I say this. You find out something you did a few years ago, you are amazed, then novelty is dead, and you are no longer amazed. Hm, realized just now, the reason I’m writing this artical, logging everything I did, is for me to feel nostalgic in a few years. Ugh Not sure what to make out of all of this, if there is even something. Guess I’ll see you for another day.